Different Avenues for Funding Digital Mental Health Innovation

Tuesday 29th October 2024, 9am - 11am GMT

Wellcome Trust Office, London / Online
Founder Profiles
 Further event details will be published shortly.
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Wellcome is partnering with Zinc VC to support efforts to establish collaboration between academia and industry in the field of digital mental health. 

Wellcome is a global charitable foundation, supporting science to help solve the urgent health challenges facing everyone climate change, infectious disease and mental health. In mental Health, Wellcome’s mission is to create a stepchange in early intervention for depression, anxiety and psychosis. Wellcome has recently launched a funding opportunity to accelerate scalable digital mental health interventions [link] . Zinc VC is a mission-driven venture capital firm that invests in and supports entrepreneurs developing innovative solutions to tackle some of the world’s toughest social challenges affecting the health of people and of the planet.

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